Monetizing mobile banking

Mobile is all the rage these days. With Facebook now routinely ahead of analyst estimates largely due to their drive to monetize the mobile channel through improved ad sales performance, it is no wonder that “mobile” is making headlines day in, day out. Companies are scrambling to not only adopt mobile but profit from it.(…)

TED for banking: 3 ways banks are designing the branch of the future

Recently, while researching branch design for our quarterly journal, I noticed that banks have been quietly creating the “branch of the future” mainly through the areas of Technology, Experimentation, and Design. Now, I’m a big fan of TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) and the amazing content they publish, so I was fairly tickled when I realized the same acronym(…)

Redefining Traditional Value Propositions in Banking

The value that banks deliver to customers is changing – that is one of the currents that runs through Joseph DiVanna’s excellent Redefining Financial Services. I’ve been reading this book (and a few others of DiVanna’s) to better understand where my own company, Zafin, fits into the value proposition of banking services in general. We(…)

The Preservation of the Problem

“Well, organizations that are founded to solve problems end up committed to the preservation of the problems. So Trentway-Wagar, an Ontario-based bus company, sues PickupPal, an online ride-sharing service, because T-W isn’t committed to solving transportation problems. It’s committed to solving transportation problems with buses. In the media world, Britannica is now committed to making(…)

More about Groupon

So I won’t repost the entire entry I wrote earlier today over at the OpenCal blog, but I do think it is worth a read – anyway, I wrote about how to make a Groupon campaign more successful based on some tips I have heard from businesses that have used it and from researching the(…)

The Remix Culture

This post is, I guess, about the intersection of an article I recently read in the Globe and Mail and a video I saw on how we have developed a culture that loves the remix. In the article, which is about generating killer ideas, many great strategies stick out, but ‘borrow an idea’ is in(…)

Groupon: what makes it so irresistible?

Groupon does a couple of remarkable things. First off, Groupon adds e-commerce to small businesses that can’t do so. You don’t need to install anything (though online booking can help you deal with the onslaught of new business), you don’t need to purchase an https cetificate, you don’t need to sign up for a merchant(…)