Life in a startup: five lessons learned three weeks in

1. Getting customers to try a product that hasn’t launched yet is harder than you think is exactly as hard as it sounds. OpenCal is a fine product, and yet I knew getting customers would be difficult and yet, at the same time, I somehow believed it would magically be easier. You can always picture(…)

The importance of T-shaped individuals

Most of the content for this post comes from a presentation I gave at a job interview which I did not get; so take that for what it’s worth. For the most part the presentation was well received, however I probably could have used a bit more polish. The idea itself came (not surprisingly) from(…)

New job!

My search for a new position is, happily, over. I’m very excited to be working at a startup called OpenCal as the Director of Marketing and Sales. I’ll be working on a daily basis with the founders (who have a great eye for design) in an apartment-turned-office. OpenCal is an online booking solution for service-based(…)

Quick update

Every valuable human being must be a radical and a rebel, for what he must aim at is to make things better than they are. ~ Niels Bohr Just finished reading The Age of the Unthinkable by Joshua Cooper Ramo, and while it was a good book, that closing quote was great, and just the(…)

What sticks two years out

I learned a lot of different things during the MBA. All of it was interesting and worthwhile and most of it I remember quite well. But what is interesting to me is what REALLY sticks almost two years out. I should say at this point that the idea of this post came from a colleague(…)

The truth about twitter

“The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?” ~ David Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in radio, 1920s Maybe this title could be less provocative, but it answers to what I want to write about, which is how I(…)

Four quotes to live by

Never leave the scene of a decision without first taking a specific action towards its realization. ~ Tony Robbins I may not have that exactly right, but the spirit of it is there. So often in the past I have made decisions and basked in the afterglow of ‘accomplishing something’ or ‘doing the right thing’(…)

10 really short book reviews plus reflection on those reviews

I’m going to make this a regular feature of the blog (at least that’s the plan) – so I’m going to be kind of making up the rules of the reviews as I go along. I’m going to try to keep them to 100 words or less but I haven’t figured out how I’ll rate(…)

The Kaboom Philosophy

“You can look at a problem, and either go ‘oh, this is a problem, or you can, KABOOM! Blow it up and turn it into something great! You literally KABOOM the problem.” Besides being one of the funnier episodes of Parks and Recreation in recent memory (this scene alone has several classic lines), the Kaboom(…)

Lessons from taking a computer apart

Last week I went up to my little loft office (I think I’m allowed to brag that I now have, that’s right, a little loft as an office in our new place) only to find that my trusty desktop was unable to start up. It was very bizarre. Power on, but no noises, no blue(…)